Another two comics up woo, that took me forever, wow im shamefully slow... heheh oh well ;D any way for those who actually read this (thats probably only me T_T) id like to say for you all HAPPY WINTER-EEN-MAS, the celebration of how much we know and lurve teh electronic gaming of today, dontcha just love em all the good, the bad and the downright WTFness. A time where nubs and pros get together...AND PWN EACHOTHER W00 and a time to speak 1337 a lot more freely and not feel sick XD PH34R T3H 1337N3SS 0F W1NT3R-33N-M45! hehe sorry anyway have a good time and enjoy being the nerd/geek/gamer you are! anyway thats enough rambling from this retard enjoy the two comics, ill try to be more....(WARNING DODGY TERM CREATION IMINENT) "schedualised" any way thats it for now im busy being shot by people wearing banana suits T_T tis not fun...